Feature Design Exercise: Part 2
Create a visual storyboard stepping through the use of the feature idea you came up with for Exercise 6.9. Assemble the storyboard so that it tells a visual story of a player successfully playing the game. For example, the storyboard for Karaoke Revolution World Party could show all of the interfaces as if a player starts as a beginner and moves all the way to winning a prize. Present your idea to an appropriate group of people for critique, such as classmates or a game design club.

After discussing the idea with our board game group it was concluded that they thought the idea would be a great addition to the game. Some of their comments were…
- By doing this it provides a way to even out the playing field for those that have resources and those who just had bad luck in the beginning.
- What happens if the person with all the resource cards plays this on the person that is already losing and ends up taking away the one resource that they need. This could end the game for someone.
- I like the idea that it can sway the game towards a different side and this could be a game changer and eliminated the predictability of Catan when it comes down to who has access to what resources.
- Why mess with something that’s not broken.
- Would this be the only game changing option. Do you have any other ones that you could add as well so that it can really mess with the predictability. This could really alter how someone plays the game. By doing this it has the potential to change the whole game and how its played the only thing that would stay consistent is the tiles used to play. I like the idea of having a change in gameplay.
- If this is designed for the underdog to use on the person with the prime resources how are they going to get the complex set of resource cards (3 rock, 3 brick, and 1 of each other type). I always get stuck with the Sheep lol wish I could have that complex set. Maybe could there be a revision on the development cards to accommodate this?
- Life altering we are totally doing this next time we play Catan.
- Mind Blown Emoji where was this game change when we play Catan last. Now I might have a fighting chance to win for once lol.